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Solar Eclipse :: 06.12.02 :: coworkers : sipix :

Partial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leaves
We had a partial solar eclipse on Monday. We all went out to check it out and punched holes in paper to look at what was happening without blasting our eyes out. It was pretty unimpressive until someone noticed that the leaves of the trees were casting little moon shaped openings around the shadows on the walls of the building. The result is captured here.

Partial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leaves Partial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leavesPartial solar eclipse caught in the shadows of the tree leaves

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it was beautiful, wasn't it? couldn't see it here in singapore.....:/

Posted by ariaz at June 26, 2002 12:13 AM

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