We rode today. A lot. We upped our mileage and our time and I thought I was going to die from the heat. Sheila and I did the Coyote Creek trail (trail map .pdf)- all of it - in a big loop from the car to one end, back to the car, out to the other end (only I didn't finish that leg) and then back to the car. For me, according to my new Odometer/Speedometer, it was 27.5 miles. That is 11-13 more miles than I normally do.
They say you shouldn't go out in the sun between 11 and 2pm. So what do we do? We ride from 11 to 2. In the heat, in the sun. Like I said, I thought I was going to die. Gotta get a new bike with slicker tires so I can go faster...
Need to get this book so we can find other trails to ride.