Spent today galavanting around San Jose participating in the A-Z City Challenge as part of the Lomo Sampling Games. These are happening all over the world over the month of September and then winners will get a trip to Vienna, Austria. Lomo is a russian camera that seems to have this cult following. We went to a gallery opening last night at Gallery AD - Anna Domini that had a showing of several hundred Lomo shots. I had heard about the competition via an email, but got more info last night and decided to participate. (warning: Trying out a new DHTML script for the popup page of images and captions. This popup window with the pics seems to make Netscape 4.x on the Mac crash. It is a little slow to load on Netscape on the PC but does work. Every now and then a weird error message pops up but it doesn't seem to keep the page from working. I am working to fix it.)