hoofed out to drawbridge yesterday. 6 mile round trip from alviso. got some interesting black and white and polaroid shots, also shot color infrared. this is from my cellphone.
went out to alviso saturday to experiment with some color polaroid. there is tons of contruction around the parking lot and the weird entry to the ghost docks have all been torn out. boo!
an old dock gate down at Alviso. this is such a beautiful area. i would have liked to have seen it before the bay was drained down here and all the salt ponds created.
Alviso - the trails run through the marsh and the salt flats. The ride is great - windy and dusty but challenging. The wind makes up for the fact that it is super flat. I like riding out on the levys and feeling like I am taking my bike out into the bay, getting close to the water and the birds. The water is low this time of year and the algae and kelp floats to the top and is luminescent.
Hard ride out at Alviso trails this afternoon. The levys go out into the bay are much farther from land than the trails that run through Shoreline park. The wind makes riding difficult at best and challenging to say the least. It's a great workout - almost as hard as doing hills. The sun was at the perfect angle and there were Pelicans and large grey birds - Great Blue Heron? One was a baby still with the soft floppy feathers they have atop their crest before they get all slick and grown up.
Lomo images from around town over the last week. Guitars casting shadows on the orange wall, shots from my ride last Sunday at Alviso. Very flat and super windy but interesting topography. Shots from inside a barbecue joint in Campbell. They have pies, cool typography and neon. Finishing the roll out in the backyard with the dogs, trees and the pool.