A few more pinhole shots from New York. Washington Square Park Archway from a couple of distances. A view from my hotel room terrace - stayed at the Roger Williams hotel, which is quite lovely.
Saint Paul's Church near ground Zero, the FlatIron building and an old churchyard in the financial district.
A trio of black and white pinhole shots I made while I was in New York City a couple of weeks ago. I used the ImageZero 4x5 pinhole with a polaroid back attached. Pretty interesting stuff.
another shot from the santa cruz arboretum.
am in florida right now for work - did a week in new york last week. lots of images to post as well as a whole slew of black and white pinhole polaroids from new york and the beach here in florida. can't wait to get home and scan. in the meantime - some more images from the workshop will be up this week.
polaroid version of the previous image. I actually shot this first, then laid down the abalone shell in the foreground, shot it again, but ruined my last piece of polaroid. when we switched over to paper negs, I went back to the spot to shoot it again. the polaroid is much crisper, lots more tones of grey than the paper neg. I like this image better because of that, but compositionally liked the foreground shell a lot as well.