I have been exploring the web, in some ways as earnestly and naively, as I used to do when I first discovered the internet back in 1994. I have moved into the realm of personal weblogs, which I find extremely fascinating. This becomes most interesting if you look at the two sides of this. Several sites I have perused are by people I know. The weblogs offer an insight into their psyche and personality that, perhaps, would never be exposed in daily conversations.
The second type are random connections found by jumping from one hyperlink to another and settling down on something interesting. Not everyone's life is interesting to me, just as I am sure my ramblings and my site are incredibly boring to some out there.
I find the log phenomenon quite incredible. Just as we were all interested in the works of Anais Nin, the immediacy of the web log is, in some ways more compelling. The Anais Nin Diaries, I think are interesting to so many because they were so ahead of their time, both as intimate views of her life with so many persuasive figures of the time as well as their exploration of the sexual needs and desires of a woman.
Some of the places I visit frequently (I leave it to you to figure out who I know and who I don't):
Jezebel... A site for sore eyes
Justin's Links