August 08, 2004

Birthday ride

We celebrated my birthday today by riding the full 30 miles —out and back— of Coyote Creek trail. We started at 9:30 am which wasn't nearly early enough. By the time we finished, 2 1/2 hours later it was 104 degrees at the car. Hot, hot, hot.

The first 15 miles—from Morgan Hill to Hellyer park—was fine. We were keeping pace about 15-16 mph. But most of the trail was slightly downhill. Going back was harder. Slightly uphill and much, much hotter. We had to stop a few times in the shade to regroup and by the end we were feeling dehydrated and toasty. Kiersten probably hit the worst and didn't feel so great afterwards. I had a new camel back and drank continuously so that helped, but it took several glasses of water, a cold shower and a couple of hours sitting in the AC to feel better.

This was our longest ride yet. Next time - get up earlier, take more liquids and stay out of the heat. But we did it!

Posted by erin at August 8, 2004 10:18 PM