November 21, 2004
tour de tucson - weekend
the team in training tent at the finish line of the tour de tucson
The official ride is tagged as 111 miles but my odemeter only reads 109 was long.
111 miles on a gorgeous saturday
the ride times are posted at the event site (i am down in the 3200s)
the pasta party the night before had Bob Roll as the guest speaker
all my images are posted over at flickr—some sent directly from the cell phone during the ride (although not as many as I would have liked)
thanks to everyone who helped me raise over $5200 for the Leukemia Society to find a cure.
November 14, 2004
Taper weekend
Rode our last group team ride yesterday. About 27 miles. Many of the groups took some short breaks at Starbucks and Peets. We followed the ride with a potluck gathering and lots of info for next week.
Today, Sheila and I rode 50 miles. Werode out the front door, down Alma and then down Monterey Highway. Straigh, flat and about 20 miles to Morgan Hill. We went past downtown Morgan Hill to the Starbucks. We sat and had some coffee then took off to come home. Instead of making the left back out to the highway, we decided to cross the street and then cross again. Once across the first part I promptly fell over on the bike. My butt and left knee are bruised. I unclipped the right foot but was doing a really slow turn left and lost my balance. Ouch!
We then went back down Monterey to Cochrane and over to Coyote Creek trail for a couple of miles and then back out to the highway. Rough road and lots of cars. Almost home and we decided to add another five miles to make the full 50, so we continued down Willow to the Los Gatos creek trail where we just did a short mile and a half. Turned around and then home. Yay 50!.
The rest of the week is supposed to be restful - short easy rides to save up the energy for Saturday.
November 06, 2004
84.2 miles of pedaling
Long, long, long ride.
84.2 miles of longness. Painful numb butt longness.
The day was gorgeous, I was strong and this was our longest ride ever and our last long team ride - since the century is in 2 weeks. Next week we do a taper ride and a potluck gathering to celebrate.
Today we ventured down Santa Teresa through Morgan Hill and into Gilroy then over and around Uvas and Calero Reservoirs—we've done this part of the ride twice before. The we continued back towards Morgan Hill and up the wall - Sycamore Hill. I had to stop halfway up—this is a short but steep hill and if you start too fast you are screwed! Finally to the top where Kristi and Coach Jan were cheering us on to spit on the hill. A brief shot on the inhaler—exercise induced asthma is a bitch! and then on to do another loop into Gilroy and back around Uvas Reservoir—again! After the rest stop at the reservoir - with great support from our honorees and thier families and finally down McKean along Chesbro Reservoir and at last to Almaden.
The headwind was strong along various parts of the ride—so the fact we were pacelining really helped.
The last 4 miles were long, long cause byt then my butt hurt.
Coming into the end rocked—only a couple of minutes behind Sheila's group, I came in with (did half the ride with) the faster half of our ride group.
This was an awesome ride, gorgeous weather, good company and I was feeling strong today. 13.5 average speed overall (with rest stops and hills)
October 31, 2004
30 miles: Coyote Creek
A bit short of 50 but after the 53 yesterday and then coming home and cleaning and cooking and then entertaining at our Halloween Party for several hours, I was whipped and Sheila is still sick. So we took it a bit easy, did 30 and will try to ride to work a few times this week.
October 30, 2004
53 miles: Buddy Ride Saturday
Skipped the official buddy ride today. Instead I joined Sheila's team and did a long ride - 53 miles. The idea was 50 miles Saturday and 50 miles Sunday.
The route was Cañada down to 92 and back, then into Woodside and over whiskey hill to Sand Hill road to Foothill. Down Foothill all the way until it turns into Stevens Canyon and down into the park all the way to Mount Eden. Turn around and go all the way back to Woodside road and up and over to Cañada and back to the car. Whew!
October 29, 2004
Riding to work a bunch
Rode to work twice this week. 28 miles each way and 2 hours a day of time in the saddle. Good stuff.
No more comments
Due to excessive and stupid spam commenting that has nothing to do with cycling or Team in Training, I have turned off the comments on this site. If you have comments, please email either myself or Sheila.
October 25, 2004
76 miles :: team ride
over hill, over dale.
through rain and wind.
up and down highway 1 we rode from Santa Cruz Natural Bridges to San Gregorio and back.
A slight detour off one side road - we climbed a mountain and back down to 1.
Slightly before we got to the turnaround point, it started raining. It was sprinkling for a little bit and then it turned into full blown cold and windy rain.
But we pressed on and I completed the full 76 miles! Yippee.
October 16, 2004
70 miles!! don edwards to palomares to calaveras and back: again
Today Sheila and I rode 70 miles!
yes. 70 miles! (actually 70.68 - but who's counting - me!)
We did the buddy ride today, except we got there late so we picked up directions that the coach left and made our way on our own. Sheila was great and rode a little slower than normal so I wouldn't have to ride by myself. We rode through Newark and over to Niles and to Niles Canyon road. We turned and climbed Palomares (same route as 2 weeks ago from this point). The first part of the climb was as hard as last time. The rest of the climb seemed shorter than last time. Perhaps because we had done it before.
Continue reading "70 miles!! don edwards to palomares to calaveras and back: again"September 25, 2004
calaveras-palomeros ride :: 58 miles
today I rode 58 miles. on the bike for 7 hours. up lots of hills.
we met in milpitas and rode out calaveras/237 and turned towards fremont. We rode through milpitas, up some hills and through a bunch of neighborhoods. we rode by the Mission San Jose in fremont and one of our group got a flat so we all stopped and waited for that to be fixed.
Continue reading "calaveras-palomeros ride :: 58 miles"September 24, 2004
week of September 20
tried to plan this week in preparation for the team rided on saturday. I did intervals on the precor at the gym at work on Tuesday. I did squats and lunges on Thursday and rested some this week.
September 19, 2004
windy coyote
Rode the full length of Coyote. Went out late in the afternoon after a morning of rain. Very windy going from the south end to the north end but the wind at died down a bit coming back so I didn't get the benefit of the speed from a strong tailwind. Bummer. It was slightly hard because of the wind and because of being tired from the ride on Saturday - but we got the mileage in.
September 18, 2004
almaden valley :: buddy ride
Did the Almaden Valley and Uvas, Chesbro and Calero Reservoir loop again today as a buddy ride. Met a few folks, coaches Karen and Matt. We all started together and then as we moved into our own speeds, most of us rode alone most of the way. I cut a few minutes off my time and tried to do better on the hills.
September 17, 2004
traveling this week
traveling most of this week so no cycling until saturday. due to late planes, layovers, delayed flights, sitting on the runway for hours, canceled flights and not getting into my destination until the middle of the night, the one day I have to catch up and do some exercise in the hotel is gone. oh well....
September 12, 2004
26 miles around town
Rode out from the house, down into Santa Clara and around on Market street, then backtrack to Monroe and over to Bowers then across 101 onto Great America out to Alviso and then back on the San Tomas Aquino trail to Lafayette and home where I promptly fell over on the bike before I could get unclipped.
Continue reading "26 miles around town"September 11, 2004
44 miler :: almaden valley team ride
Almaden valley, down past Calero Resevoir, Uvas Resevoir and Chesbro resevoir. We did the same loop Sheila and I did on Monday, only the other way round, which was much easier. This ride is really beautiful.
Continue reading "44 miler :: almaden valley team ride"September 09, 2004
shoreline with kiersten
Easy 1 hour ride - 14 miles. Focused on keeping my speed up close to 15mph. Rode with Kiersten and then she left me at the 10 mile mark. The last 4 miles back were into the wind as the sun went down.
September 08, 2004
yoga for athletes
Worked out with a new Yoga DVD. Yoga for athletes with tons of emphasis on poses for cyclists. Good way to counter all the hunching and motions from the bike. Did that section then the whole regular strength building workout.
September 06, 2004
uvas reservoir :: 20 miles
Rode out in Morgan Hill today and did a beautiful loop that swept around Uvas Canyon, Uvas reservoir and Chesbro reservoir. Mostly rolling hills, although at mile 3 there is a steep, sorta long hill. Anyway it seemed long. It was hot, at 100 degrees by noon, but there were shady spots and it went fairly quickly. This is a nice loop that I bet is better earlier in the morning or later in the year after it gets cooler and greener.
September 04, 2004
Coyote plus Anderson Lake hill
view of the reservoir from the top of the hill
view of the valley at the edge of morgan hill, from the top of the hill at anderson lake
Rode the full length of Coyote Creek trail. Added on the extension out and up the killer, twisty, steep hill to Anderson Lake. I had to stop a couple of times to get my breathing under control. Hy..per..venti...lating. Dizzy. But beautiful at the top. Then back the whole length of Coyote and then added on a 4 more miles. Almost made it to 40 but had a hair appointment as a hard stop to get home for. I ended up doing 37.5 miles.
September 03, 2004
Friday after work
Ride from home down to the 87 bike trail to Santa Teresa. Turn around and come back. Light, easy even if it was full of exhaust and views of the highway. Reminder: don't do this route again.
September 01, 2004
Quick after work
Rode the rolling hills of Foothill from Bicycle Outfitters at Loyola Corners to Alpine and back. Nice ride, good workout, not too long. Rode with Kiersten and then off to grab dinner.
August 29, 2004
Santa Cruz
After yesterday's heat, we wanted to do an easy ride today. Sheila suggested going over to the beach. It would be cool and we could do something easy. In one of my cycling route books there were a couple of rides over in the Santa Cruz area. We decided to do the Aptos one...It was cold and foggy when we got over there.
August 28, 2004
Canada Edgewood
Today we had a team ride. Canada road at Edgewood down to 92 and back. Then from Edgewood down Canada into Woodside. We turned at Woodside, then up Whiskey Hill road to Sand Hill and then Portola down to Alpine. Alpine to Arastradero.
enjoying the rest stop, awesome watermelon and teammates
On Arastradero we stopped at the preserve for a planned rest stop. From Arastradero we went down to PageMill, up the PageMill hill and turned into Foothill - which at that point is actually Junipero Serra. This went on and then we crossed Sandhill and the road became something else. We rode through Menlo Park / Atherton into Redwood City and back to Edgewood. By the time we got to Edgewood it was super hot (95 degrees in Redwood City according to the paper) and we had a 2 1/2 mile climb to go. I had to stop partway up the hill and then went a bit further but had to be SAGed the rest of the way up it was so hot. I finished the ride by riding from the crest of the hill back to the meeting area at Edgewood and Canada.
August 27, 2004
Mentor Group Dinner
(pic 1- Tricia :: pic 2 - Ed and my nose :: pic 3 - Sheila and Linda )
Our mentor group gathered together this week for dinner. Our honoree, Ed Halk, also joined us. We had good food and conversation—comparing cycling stories and tips for better training. Suresh joined us late, Sheila left early and we missed Dennis.
Week 5
Rest on Monday.
45 minutes of hard intervals on the Precor Ellipse on Tuesday.
Yoga on Wednesday.
Nice ride on Foothill with Kiersten on Thursday.
Yoga on Friday.
Good week.
August 22, 2004
Yard Sale:: Day 2
Up again at 6 to deal with the people who come early and lo and behold they never showed. It was cold and overcast from the fog that had rolled in and we had slower stream of people than saturday. Made less money but sold some big things as well.
Continue reading "Yard Sale:: Day 2"August 21, 2004
The Yard Sale:: Day 1
So we decided to have a yard sale to raise money for our commitment and donate the money to the Leukemia Society.
All week I culled through the house making piles and for the last two or three weeks have been going through my CD's and ripping to MP3s the songs I liked from the CD's I wanted to get rid of.
Friday I had an offsite for work and came home early—but not really early enough.
Continue reading "The Yard Sale:: Day 1"August 18, 2004
To work and back
Rode to work this morning and then home this evening. 13.65 miles each way. Traffic, a few underpasses and over pass grades and a lot of stop lights.
My route goes from home, to Lincoln, to Park, through the Rose Garden district and back into Santa Clara behind the university to Lafayette. Down Lafayette—the scariest part, under the railroad tracks, across Central and then over 101 (thank god no exits or freeway entrances) and then on to Agnew. Left on Agnew and pick up the San Thomas Aquinos trail out to Alviso to the baylands trail. Turn from one trail to another to the park and dump out on Carribbean to yahoo!.
After work, repeat in reverse.
August 17, 2004
Keeping up
Did yoga on Monday and about 40 minutes on the Precor in the gym on Tuesday. Intervals in short spurts before guitar class.
August 15, 2004
Another long ride
Rode the whole Coyote trail on the new bike. Much easier than last week and less hot! Did the ride in about 2:30 hr. Not bad but I do despise the back half from where we park and Hellyar park. Very bumpy and short stretches.
August 14, 2004
los gatos to saratoga to cupertino and back
started the day today with a nutrition clinic - how to eat and ride and not "crash" physically. then off to the ride. 26 miles through los gatos to saratoga to cupertino and down stevens canyon road and up, up, up mt. eden. whew! what a hill. then down—more scary than up, fast and furious and a brief moment of panic at the speed and the curves and then reign it back in. the ride was superb, not too hot, with nice folks, great coaching and just a few kick butt hills.
awesome ride
truly an awesome ride today, with an intense hill and lots of speed coming down. great coaches and nice folk on the team.
August 10, 2004
Ride to work
Decked out my new bike last night but not ready to actually ride it yet - new cleats and clip pedals that I need to practice in before going on the road. Last night I fell over in the trainer in my room. Yikes!
This morning I decided to ride to work - old bike - and rode about 17 miles in a long arc around San Jose to Alviso and over. Lots of bike route detours added an extra couple of miles and I missed one of the trail entrances that would have cut a bunch of time off. I was late for work.
Continue reading "Ride to work"August 08, 2004
Birthday ride
We celebrated my birthday today by riding the full 30 miles —out and back— of Coyote Creek trail. We started at 9:30 am which wasn't nearly early enough. By the time we finished, 2 1/2 hours later it was 104 degrees at the car. Hot, hot, hot.
Continue reading "Birthday ride"August 07, 2004
Saturday comedy of errors
Today we decided to sleep in a little bit and skip the buddy ride. In retrospect, we should have gotten up and just done it. We lazily got coffee and perused the Biking Bay Area books and maps that I have to find a ride that would be sort of easy but have a few little hills. Finally we decided to go to Stevens Canyons and do a 21 mile ride.
Continue reading "Saturday comedy of errors"August 05, 2004
August 04, 2004
After work :: Los Gatos Creek trail
Rode Los Gatos Creek trail tonight after work. I really wanted to ride to work this morning but I was so tired from riding yesterday evening I couldn't get out of bed in time to ride. The ride was good - but way too many people on the trail. Riding on the roads has gotten me used to not having to worry about running over walkers, runners, dogs and rollerbladers. I can't believe how many people run and walk with headphones on totally oblivious to people coming up behind them.
August 03, 2004
Corporate Matching
Thanks to everyone who has sponsored us so far! You all rock. Also - anyone who has sponsored or is thinking of sponsoring - don't forget to ask your company about corporate matching.
Riding and going nowhere
I had guitar lessons tonight and didn't manage to get out before work this morning so I dragged out the stationary trainer and tested that out. Bike on trainer, tv on something that lasted and hour and away I rode—in place. Worked up a good sweat, managed to have a nosebleed and still rode for my hour. It was a good way to get a workout in even though it was dark outside. We move up to longer distances this weekend and up to 30 + miles next.
August 02, 2004
Skipped my training
Strength training day. Oops - I wasn't able to actually do anything today what with parents here for one last day and company coming over in the evening.
August 01, 2004
Alviso Sunday
We rode out at Alviso today. The schedule said ride for an hour - so we did the Alviso loop and then went out around the town to make an hour. Light ride compared to the day before but a little wind and extremely bumpy. Tested out the new camera.
July 31, 2004
Week 2 :: Time Trial
Our ride today was the Alpine Road loop. Only 12 miles but hills and a final long 3.5 mile grade up hill the last part of the ride. This was the hardest 12 miles I have ever ridden. I suppose in a couple of months it won't seem so bad but it sucked! I kept asking why I was doing this as I was going up hill very slowly - pretty much going nowhere fast. But then I remembered our honorees and what they have all dealt with or are dealing with right now and I pedalled a little more and finally made the end.
July 28, 2004
Day 05: Shoreline
Erin and I spent the evening with gal-pal kiersten who is also training for TNT-Tuscon. We breezed around shoreline baylands, taking in the beautiful scenery and improving our time a bit from last week.
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Day 02: Coyote Creek
We spent a very hot day cycling in the southbay....the grass is really dry and the scorched hills are a reminder of the fire threat everywhere in california.
July 27, 2004
Easy riding
30 minutes easy before work today. More like 45 with the stoplights. It was hard not to keep going because I was just getting warmed up.
July 26, 2004
July 25, 2004
Day 2 - Coyote Creek
We rode for an hour today, down at Coyote Creek. We got out by 9:30 but by the time we were done it was starting to be really hot. I ended up only doing a little over 10 miles in the hour. That is pretty lame. I need to keep working so I can get faster. Sheila went about a mile or two longer than I did. Coffee afterwards. I ordered a new little camera to take with me on rides. Much more reliable than the Pencam and better quality and megapixels than the old 1st generation elph.
July 24, 2004
First training ride
We had our first training ride today for the fall TNT season. Kickoff was Thursday night and it was incredibly inspiring. The ride today was relatively easy—except for one long giant grade of a hill that was rough. I'll get there eventually. Am in pretty good shape for the flats but the hills...
We did a tire changing clinic as well and everyone had to remove a tire, take it off the rim, remove the tube and then put it all back together again. Fun.
We ended up doing a total of about 16 miles with some hills around Foothill Expressway, Arastradero, Fremont and Concepcion over in Los Altos. Not too bad.